



开云体育登录入口 (开云体育登录入口) employees who travel on state business at state expense are responsible for the accurate completion of all required forms, 并应遵循所有州, 系统, 和开云体育登录入口的政策/程序. 系统板流程5.19.第3条将与以下补充内容一起生效.

部分14. 信用卡使用情况
Purchase Orders are the preferred method of payment for lodging facilities and airline tickets, but the 开云体育登录入口 Credit Card may be utilized if the procedures outlined in 部分一个 and B部分 below are followed. Employees are responsible for completing a Travel Request form, 获得适当的旅行许可, and determining estimation costs before making any reservations or requesting the use of the credit card. Misuse of the credit card, or failure to follow proper procedures as defined below may result in:
o Suspension or cancellation of charge privileges, and/or

部分一个. 住宿设施收费
Purchase Orders are the preferred method of payment for lodging facilities, but the 开云体育登录入口 Credit Card may be utilized if the following procedures are followed:

Employees must have on file in the Business Office an approved Travel Request Form.
— After the employee has made the tentative lodging reservation, a request may be submitted to the Business Office Supervisor or designee for activation of the College credit card. 请求必须包含名称, address, 还有住宿设施的电话号码, the arrival/departure dates of the trip 以及电荷的估计.

The Business Office Supervisor or designee will confirm the reservation directly with the lodging facility, and forward verification to the lodging facility specifically outlining what charges may or may not be accepted on the card.
— 住宿 expenses incurred by a spouse or other individual accompanying an employee on business will NOT be paid on the card or reimbursed to the employee.
— Only the single room charge and tax will be accepted on the credit card, unless multiple employees attending the same conference are sharing a room. The employee must pay all other miscellaneous charges such as meals, dry cleaning, telephone, etc.,在退房时到住宿设施. Those approved business related expenses may be reimbursed through the Employee Expense Report process.
— Some lodging facilities require 24-hour advance notice of cancellations. The employee is responsible for adhering to lodging facility reservation requirements to ensure the state does not incur “no-show” or early checkout fees or penalties.

Employees must submit the original lodging receipts showing the details of the charges to the Business Office Supervisor or designee within two (2) days of returning from the trip.

B部分. 航空公司的费用
College employees may use a travel agency of their choice to plan travel arrangements. Employees are responsible for booking the lowest price fare that substantially meets the requirements of the trip. Purchase Orders are the preferred method of payment for airline tickets, but the 开云体育登录入口 Credit Card may be utilized if the following procedures are followed:

Employees must have on file in the Business Office an approved Travel Request Form.
— After the employee has made tentative travel arrangements with a travel agent, a request must be submitted to the Business Office Supervisor or designee for activation of the credit card. 请求必须包括雇员的姓名, 旅行社名称, 地址及电话, 航班行程(包括日期/时间), 以及电荷的估计.

The Business Office Supervisor or designee will confirm the airline reservation directly with the travel agency.

Employees must submit the original invoice to the Business Office Supervisor or designee immediately upon receipt of the airline tickets.

部分C. 飞行常客里程
Legislation requires that frequent flyer miles accrued by public employees and paid for with public funds revert to the public body that bought them. All employees will sign the following certification statement when filing for employee expense reimbursement: “State employees and other official using state funds traveling on state business and using commercial airlines cannot claim frequent flyer mileage as their own. Employees must certify that they have not claimed frequent flyer mileage for personal use when they apply for travel reimbursement. 所得的任何利益都归国家所有.” When applying for employee expense reimbursement 开云体育登录入口 employees are certifying that they have not claimed frequent flyer mileage for personal use. 所得利益归国家所有.”

部分D. 取消行程
如果员工不能出差, it is imperative that the employee contact the Business Office Supervisor or designee, 直接主管, and (if traveling by air) the travel agent as soon as it is determined that the trip will not take place.

The employee will investigate the possibility of a refund or credit voucher to apply the deposit toward future lodging at the facility.

The employee will investigate the possibility of a refund or a credit voucher (minus a penalty fee) to apply the unused airline ticket toward the purchase of another ticket for an 开云体育登录入口 employee.
